Oh, hi Mark there, I’m Mike. I help startups and small businesses design experiences that are changing the world. Currently leading design @Truepic Workstream Analytics.

Verified image requests, made easy

Truepic • 2019

Truepic Vision web app

A consumer app to capture verified media


Truepic Vision web app

Tracking opioid abuse at the hospital level


Truepic Vision web app

Changing the world from home, on the east coast

Let's connect on Linkedin

Hey, look at us…who would of thought?

Currently living the dream in Connecticut with my wife, our two kids, and a yellow lab that doesn’t stop. I’ve been creating and crafting experiences for the better part of twelve years now. When I’m not behind the glow of my computer I love spending with the fam, doing east coast things like picking apples and paying too much for property. Outside of that Im a big gamer, and one of “those” people who likes overpriced beer  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’ve been fortunate enough to work remotely for the past five years, helping startups and small businesses tell their stories. The freedom and flexibility it has provided me is invaluable. Though hard to separate work from life sometimes it’s not something I’m ready to give up. I’ve been able to spend that time, otherwise spent commuting, with my family.